After the journey in LILA kinder prep I come to kindergarten to continue my explore in LILA. From now on let’s move our eyes from our little cuties of 3 or 4 years old to another group of little cuties, a little bit bigger 5-year-olds in kindergarten.


Just like every  IB school does, these attributes(appreciation, compromise, confidence, cooperation,creativity, curiosity, empathy, enthusiam, independence, integrity, respect and tolerance) are what we are pursuing right in every class in LILA. But how are these kids going to get these attributes and put them into daily practice?  正如每个IB学校一样,湖畔学校每一个班级的孩子们都在学习这些美好的品质:欣赏、投入、自信、合作、创意、好奇心、同理心、热诚、独立性、正直、尊重和宽容。那么这些幼儿园的孩子们又是如何学习这些具体的品质,并实践到每日生活和学习当中的呢?

To be an inqurer is one of our learning  goals so inqury is a very important part of our class, which basiclly makes each learning process happen. Right now we are in the middle of the inqury–How does this world work?  Certainly it is a fair big question and we are learning some aspects of it at our kindergarten age. 做一名探究者是学校的培养目标之一,也是每一课教学的出发点。现下,幼儿园的课程探究的大课题正进行到“世界是如何运作的?”这一单元。诚然这是一个非常大的问题,尤其是对于幼儿园的孩子们来说显得尤为遥远而深刻,然而幼儿时期不正是对这个世界探究的开始吗? 并且我们的教学都是从符合幼儿园儿童的年龄的一些具体方面来进行的。

In the last week of January we start to learn shapes and geometric solids in CHINESE! We learn square, triangle, rectangle, trapzium, rhombus, pantagon, hexagon and octagon. About geometric solids we learn cylinder,prisms, pyramid, cube, cone and sphere. 在一月的最后一周我们开始学习几何形状和立体几何。孩子们要学习正方形、三角形、长方形、梯形、菱形、五边形、六边形和八边形。立体几何则包括圆柱体、锥体、正方体、圆锥体、球体和长方体等。

Learning shapes

They not only learn shapes in Chinese, but also spend plenty of time on learning Chinese because we are talking Chinese all the time. Our classroom teacher Fang Laoshi values a lot about Chinese writing so she will let kids do a lot of practice on Chinese character writing to help them get familiar with characters,which is also a good preparation for Chinese reading. 孩子们不仅用汉语学习图形,还时时刻刻都在说汉语。班教老师方老师非常重视孩子们的写字能力,因此会让他们做很多写字的练习,通过这样的方式让他们熟悉汉字,也促进他们的汉语阅读能力。

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Another big but useful concept that we start to learn is “classification”. Fang Laoshi did some fun sorting games on the carpet to get them across this concept. We sorted some animal miniatures by color,type or size. And we also did some cutting and sticking paper work. It seems that they get it really fast and these little explorers have different ideas about the classifying criteria. 我们正在学习的另外一个重要的概念就是“分类”。方老师把小朋友们聚集在地毯上用将小动物们按照大小、种类或颜色分来做关于如何分类以及分类标准的演示和讲解。之后再让他们分小组剪剪贴贴做分类表格。小朋友们学得很快,也都呈现出来各自不同的分类方式。

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Well it’s pretty much my start in kindergarten and I can’t wait to see more of these kids learning in a total Chinese speaking environment! Here thanks to Fang Laoshi, a very experienced classroom teacher who I’m working with and learning from. Come on, Chinese immersion!

这就差不多是我在幼儿园工作的开始啦。我已经迫不及待想要看看幼儿园的孩子们是如何在全中文的沉浸式环境中进行学习的啦! 非常感谢这一位经验丰富的班教老师,方老师给我的机会和帮助。加油吧!中文沉浸式!